Newton-Wellesley OBGYN

Women's Health

Women’s Health refers to the branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and conditions that affect a woman’s physical and emotional well-being.

At Newton-Wellesley OB/GYN, our physicians offer an individualized approach to healthcare and a full range of women’s health services in two convenient locations, Newton and Walpole, Massachusetts. Our compassionate team of OB/GYN physicians is here to help.

Women’s Health Services at Newton-Wellesley OB/GYN

Women’s Health includes a wide range of specialties and focus areas, such as:

Preventive Care and Screenings

  • Annual Well-Woman Exam (including a pelvic exam and breast exam)
  • Pap Smear and HPV Testing
  • Birth Control (including advice and management)
  • Bone Density Testing
  • Cancer Screening (including breast, cervical, ovarian, and uterine)
  • Discussions About Colon Cancer Screening
  • Age-Appropriate Immunizations
  • Healthy Lifestyle Risk Assessment
  • Hormonal Testing for Menopause
  • Immunizations
  • Screenings for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Gynecology and Reproductive Health Services

Gynecologic Exams at Newton-Wellesley OB/GYN

If you are interested in gynecologic services, you will first need to make an appointment for an examination. During this exam, you will discuss any concerns with one of our skilled and experienced gynecologists.

Medical History. The two of you will go over your complete medical history, including any past and current conditions, past surgeries, mental health, and lifestyle factors. You will be asked about whether or not there is a history of cervical cancer, breast cancer, or any other medical issues in your family. You will also be asked about your history regarding pregnancy, childbirth, menstruation, and sexual activity.

Physical Exam. A physical exam will be performed, and your vitals will be recorded. During a gynecologic physical exam, your breasts, abdomen, and pelvis will be examined. If you have been sexually active, a quick internal vaginal examination will take place, which will involve a Pap smear. 

Diagnostic Tests. Depending on the reason for the visit, any number of diagnostic tests can be performed or requested. Along with the pap smear, these can include mammograms, ultrasounds, and blood tests to check a variety of factors (such as glucose tolerance and hormone levels).

Women’s Health Services at Newton-Wellesley OB/GYN

If you’re due for your annual well-woman exam, or if you have any gynecological concerns, call Newton-Wellesley OB/GYN at (617) 332-2345 in Newton or (508) 668-5555 in Walpole to schedule an appointment. For your convenience, you may also request an appointment online.

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Women’s Health FAQs

What is gynecology?

Gynecology focuses on caring for women through the various stages and transitions of life from puberty to adulthood. Gynecologists focus on the medical care of females’ reproductive systems and health concerns.

Gynecology includes the diagnosis, treatment, and preventive care of conditions relating to a woman’s reproductive system, including the vagina, uterus, ovaries, and Fallopian tubes.

Gynecology also includes screening and treating problems with a woman’s breasts.

Your women’s health specialists counsel you on your contraception options, provide annual check-ups, answer your questions, and help with your female sexual health concerns.

While a general physician can treat specific women’s health issues, the Newton-Wellesley OB/GYN team specializes in expert care for women and their unique health concerns.

Your Newton-Wellesley gynecologist also monitors the same conditions as your general practitioner and pays particular attention to how these conditions, such as diabetes, impact your reproductive organs.

Your Newton-Wellesley gynecologist can also diagnose gynecological conditions, such as:

  • Endometriosis
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Vaginal Infections
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The Newton-Wellesley OB/GYN doctors also perform surgery when required.

What is a well-woman exam?

A well-woman exam is an annual gynecological check-up to monitor your reproductive health. It’s an integral part of your preventive care.

During the exam, your women’s health specialist examines your reproductive organs, performs a Pap smear, offers tests for sexually transmitted diseases, conducts a breast exam, and can discuss your contraceptive options. Our providers also take the time to review your general health with you, including discussions on exercise, nutrition, mood disorders, and stress management.

For women who are at a higher risk for certain diseases and gynecological conditions, the physicians at Newton Wellesley OB/GYN recommend more frequent well-woman exams.

When should you come in for your first gynecological exam?
General exams should begin at age 21 or sooner if there is a specific gynecologic concern. If you are sexually active before age 21, exams should start as soon as you are sexually active.
How often should you come in for gynecologic exams?
Typically, patients must come in at least once a year for their exam. Risk factors may make it necessary to come in for multiple visits during the course of a year.
Why are annual gynecologic appointments important?

It is important for women to have a gynecologic appointment with their provider every year as a preventive health care measure.

Your provider will do a Pap smear and HPV (human papillomavirus) test, along with a pelvic exam to screen for any pre-cancerous conditions before they can turn into cervical cancer.

What are the benefits of gynecology?

A gynecologist can offer specialized medical support and help women through menopause and other life changes. Many patients receive life-long care.

When should you start getting mammograms?
Patients should start getting mammograms at age 40. Patients who are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer should get these diagnostic procedures done earlier.